Pre-Season Dinner – 20th April 2006

Former Lancashire and England batsman, Graham Lloyd (son of David ‘Bumble’ Lloyd) will be guest of honour at this years’ pre-season dinner on Thursday 20th April 2006.

Graham spent 16 years asa professional cricketer representing Lancashire. He was part of a very powerful Lancashire side(including Atherton, Fairbrother, Akram, Crawley, etc) that dominated domestic one-day cricket in the 90’s. He has also represented England in 6 one-day Internationals.

Graham was well known for keeping team mates amused during his career, and is now proving to be a big hit in his new career on the after dinner speaknig stage and is finding it just as enjoyable and stimulating as facing some of the world’s best bowlers.

In the past years Graham has spoken at numerous cricket clubs so the apprenticeship is now served.

One of the three Lloyd’s to have played for Lancashire. He is no relation to Clive !!!

 Tickets are available from Jason Thatcher or the Chairman at £30 per head.

If he’s anything like his old man, we’re in for a hell of a night!!!! Book early to avoid disappointment.

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