The New Season

As the new season is almost upon us and the evenings are drawing out please find listed this seasons outdoor net times. However before we can start netting the club needs to get the ground up and running and request the help of all members from both Senior and Youth Sections.

A working party has been agreed for Sunday 9th April 10am, if as many poeple as possible could help out then it would make light work and could be completed in just a couple of hours. Bacon Sandwiches will be made available for all who attend.

Senior outdoor nets
Every Thursday from 13th April at 6pm.

Youth Nets
Every Friday from 21st April
Under 9’s – 5.30 – 6.45
Under 10’s,11’s – 5:45 – 7:00
Under 13’s – 6.15 – 7.30

Thursday from 20th April
Under 15’s  – 5.30 – 6.45

All new members of all abilities welcome!

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