Your Club Needs You – MCCA Final

On Sunday 15th September to Wednesday 18th September we once again proudly host the 4 Day MCCA Final! 

This is a hugely prestigious honour and a highlight for the club each year. As a result, we need your help to make Banbury CC shine as it always does. Both on the days of the final and in the days leading up to the final there are many jobs that need doing, and this is where we need your help!

We would like to hold a working party on the morning of the final before players arrive and the cricket begins, this involves tidying up around the ground, weeding etc. If you are able to spare an hour or so, please let us know! There are also other jobs that could be done in the weeks beforehand, such as painting boundary boards, tidying up the car park, tidying up the flowerbeds etc, so if this is something you can help with one evening possibly, let us know and we can arrange some times!

Finally, across the 4 days, we will also need help with the below to help make it as successful as we can:

Car Park Duty – Sunday morning only

BBQ – Sunday afternoon only

Bat Raffle – Sunday afternoon 

Match manager – each of the 4 days 

If you are able to spare an hour or two to help with any of the above or feel you can help the club any other way, please let myself, Martin Phillips or Paul Taylor know!

Thank you in advance and hopefully we will see as many of you across the 4 days as possible!

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