Pimms with President & Mexican Madness THIS SATURDAY

Pimms with the President kicks off what is a spectacular social weekend at Banbury Cricket Club. John W will be supplying the Pimms from 4pm and at 8pm Mexican night starts – all this before Sunday’s Banbury Advertiser Finals day.

PIMMS WITH THE PRESIDENT: All members and friends of Banbury Cricket Club are invited by President John Woodworth to enjoy a glass of pimms while the 1st XI take on Welwyn Garden City Cricket Club. At 4pm – it’s Pimms o’clock

MEXICAN MADNESS: At 8pm Saturday night make sure you have finished your Pimms as the Mexican’s will be in town! A ‘muy grande’ meal of Chicken Enchiladas and Beef Fajitas will be available for the loco price of £10. There will also be special offers on Desperado’s Beer and, of course, tequila… Arriba! There will also be a prize for the best dressed Mexican.

This is a great chance to have fun while supporting your club. Everyone is welcome. 

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