Mens Indoor Seal Spot at Oxfordshire Finals Day!

The last game of the indoor league season saw the side take on Ruscote, with a spot at the Oxfordshire Finals Day up for grabs, only needing 4 points to secure this after results earlier in the evening. After winning the toss, we elected to bat first.

The usual opening pair of Richard Simpson & Ben Cross took us to 35-0 off 3, before two run-outs in two balls of Richard Simpson (19) and Dave Eaton (0) saw us fall to 37-2. Ben Cross & Liam Manley continued the scoring, with Ben retiring on 29 and Liam on 25. It was left to Jack Lambden (24*) and Andy Prior (7*) to close out the innings and secure maximum batting points; ending the innings on 124-2. 

Some tight early bowling from Liam & Ben, including wickets from Ben in the 2nd & 4th overs left Ruscote 43-2 at the halfway stage. Dave Eaton continued the early success with a crushing yorker in his first over, followed by the 4th wicket falling to Ben in his penultimate over. Dave closed out the innings to end with 3-10, with Ben finishing with figures of 3-44 as Ruscote were bowled out for 74. 

Victory and maximum points mean the side finished 2nd in the table and will now represent the club and league in the Oxfordshire Finals Day on Sunday 27th March, following in the steps of the Vets from the previous campaign!

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