Forthcoming events for your diary

Working Parties
May we remind Club members that Andrew and George Sabin are holding working parties in order to bring the ground and pavilion up to speed for the coming season.

If we can get as many club members upto the club to help out as possible it would make everyones job a great deal easier… it’s your club lets help to maintain it! It also serves as a great way to socialise with club members in the off season.

Working parties are taking place every second Sunday of each month from 10am up until the start of the new season.

Dates are as follows:
13th February
13th March
10th April

Social Events
2005 brings with it an exciting social calendar, thanks to the hard work of John Rathbone.

Events of note are the:
Race Evening this Friday (28th Jan) everyone is welcome just turn up on the night.

The Pre – Season Dinner – Guest Speakers- Dougie Brown & Ashley Giles

The very popular, Summer Picnic Ball with 60’s Rock n Roll band and Marquee.

Places are limited so book your places now… to find out more details or to book online go to the Social section of this web site.

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