Banbury CC Members on TV?

Granada is making Immigration On Trial for Channel 4, and we would like to invite Banbury Cricket Club members to be guests in the studio audience. The invitation is open to anyone aged 16 and over. Granada would very much like to invite people from the Banbury area and would be happy to provide transport to and from the studio if they have enough interest.

The programme is a studio debate presented by Jon Snow. The format is trial by jury; there will be advocates representing both sides of the argument and witnesses will be bought to the stand.

Immigration on Trial will be examining the question of whether or not there are too many Immigrants in Britain.

The audience’s participation is the most crucial part of the programme, as the jury they will ultimately vote on whether Britain has too many immigrants.

The programme is scheduled to be recorded on Thursday 10th March at a West London Studio. Audience members would need to arrive between 7.00pm -7.30pm.

If anyone should be interested please contact Martin Phillips via

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