2019 News!

What’s Happening in 2019?

Following on from the good turnout at the AGM, there’s plenty of news to keep you updated on going into the 2019 season!

Election of New Officers:

Chairman of Cricket: Paul Taylor will be assuming the new role as Chairman of Cricket and part of his responsibilities will include continuing to develop a link between youth and senior cricket.

Social Secretary: Charlie Hill will be replacing Ollie Wright, who we thank for his contribution towards the social activity at the club over recent years.

Membership Assistant Secretary: Mick Warren will be assisting Jimmy Phillips in the playing and non-playing membership side of the club for 2019.

All other officers were elected to the club, same as last year.

2019 Captains:

1st XI Captain: Lloyd Sabin      Vice: Richard West

Ladies 1st XI Captain: Chloe Hill        Vice: TBC

2nd XI Captain: Justin Lambden       Vice: Eddie Phillips

3rd XI Captain: Neil Megson         Vice: Ollie Murrey

4th XI Captain: Joe Wetherill        Vice: TBC

Sunday Captain: Mark Austin       Midweek Captain: Jack Lambden


The subscriptions and membership fees were proposed at the AGM and are as follows:

Full Playing Membership: £100

U18, Students and Unemployed: £70

Youth (U11s upwards): £70£60 (U9s), £45(muliti-skills) – plus early payment and sibling discount

VP: £35  Associate: £30

Reminder that you can gain a £10 discount on subscriptions by being a member of the 100 club; contact Proccy for a form!

Match fees also remain to £12 for adults and £6 for U18, Students & Unemployed

Other News:

We will once again be providing Marshals for the Wolf Run this year, each volunteer raises the club £40, food and drink is provided; the next event is 13-14 April. If you are interested, please contact Proccy or Eddie Phillips.

Reminder that Indoor Training is every Sunday 5-7pm at Bloxham Dewey Centre up until around Easter. Look forward to seeing you all there, ahead of a successful 2019!

If you need some new kit for the coming season, head to the Banbury CC Serious Cricket Store at: https://seriouscricket.co.uk/teamwear/stores/banbury-cc/

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