Youth Social Fund Raiser

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming to the Youth Social Friday last.

A huge thanks must go to Julia Austin (that should get me some brownie points!!), Rachel Hutchins, Tracey Caiger, Richard Lambden, Steve & Jayne Lines, Meggers, Andrew Proctor, the Chairman, to Tom Rose and his family for bringing their stalls and to the bar staff, to Sue Barnden, and not forgetting John Pallett, David Caiger and Mike King for their ideas & help beforehand. Also to Benji & Paul Taylor (is he dropped to Bodicote 2nds after being the only “out”?) plus Ian Hawtin, Craig Haupt, Ed Phillips and Andy Sabin for being the “victims” in the Bowl a 1st teamer, and to the Stocks volunteers (or were they volunteered) – the President, Jason Thatcher, Martin, Paul, (see photos), Meggers (and little old me).

It turned out to be a great night, although I do apologise to those people I promised drinks to and others for someone to takeover at the stalls they were running but failed miserably.

Obviously the night wouldn’t be possible without the enthusiasm of the parents & kids too (plus the weather helped) and I’ve learned a few lessons in respect of what will work next time. If you have any thoughts re positives & negatives and what we could maybe add next time (maybe something new) please let me know. It would be good to have some feedback.

Finally, just for your information, and if you didn’t already know, we made about £600 from the stalls (don’t let the chairman tell you he took a third of it – does he need to go in the stocks longer to increase their takings?). A fantastic effort. Well done. Many many thanks to you all.

Mark Austin Youth Chairman

Photos of the event to be viewed in the photo gallery. click here to view

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