Youth Cricket Spaces Filling Up Fast!!

Banbury Cricket Club’s youth section is proving as popular as
ever in 2013. Due to coach availability this year, we are only entering sides
in the OCB youth competitions.  

Limited spaces are still available for: Multi Skills, U9’s,
U11’s and U15’s. Please enquire ASAP to Sue Barden or register this Friday (19th
April) to avoid disappointment. Spaces given on a first come, first serve

UNDER 13’s IS NOW FULL!! Unless you played for Banbury CC
U13’s last year and you are now in year 8 at school.

The Club under the guidance of new Head Coach Paul Adkins
will be looking for greater parent involvement in all aspects of youth cricket
at White Post Road, if you feel you could become more involved in the running
of the youth section as a youth committee member, coach, age group
administrator, scorer or umpire please contact or text Richard Swinford – 07443413653

Good luck for the season ahead!!