U11 Softball Team Victorious!

The U11 softball team visited the welcoming Kidlington Cricket Club for their first match of the season on Sunday!
On a glorious spring morning captain for the day Rudi won the toss and put the hosts into bat.
A fine bowling display accompanied by energetic fielding saw the hosts restricted to 205/9, several of the wickets to fall were to well taken catches.
Banbury set about their batting with a robust approach, each player scoring positively for the team.
Ben 10
Rudi 11
Noah 4
Charlie 20
Zachary 6
Diego 7
Freddie 3
Charlie 10
The final Banbury score was an impressive 276/9
Away from the scoring side of things, special mentions to Zachary who carried on playing even though one of his teeth came out (through natural causes) whilst fielding and Diego who stepped in when a Kidlington player was injured and was unable to continue so he fielded the last few overs for the hosts.
Although it was the first match there was a great team spirit amongst the boys, they all supported each other and encouraged where necessary. Thank you to all the parents that attended, next match is away at Freeland next Sunday, see Heja for the full details.
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