Senior Training is BACK!

We are delighted to announce that senior training is back; starting Thursday 1st April @ 6pm.

For the first few weeks, training will take place at White Post Road on both Tuesday and Thursday evenings and we will communicate when Tuesday’s can return to Ermont Way!

A summary of the ECB guidelines are as follows, and any club member attending the nets therefore confirm that they understand and will follow the below guidelines:

  • Social distancing of at least 2 metres MUST be maintained at all times.
  • Legal gathering limits remain at the Rule of 6 or a group made up of two households.
  • Everyone attending MUST check in using the club and/or NHS QR codes – this is a legal requirement.
  • You must use and bring your own equipment and avoid sharing these.
  • No saliva or sweat should come into contact with the ball at any time.
  • Wash your hands before and after using the outdoor facilities; bring your own hand sanitiser where possible.
  • If you are symptomatic or living with others displaying symptoms, you should remain at home and follow Government guidance.

Full guidance can be found at: 

Also a reminder that annual subscriptions are now due; those who haven’t already paid, please ensure you do so by the first pre-season game at the latest! 

We can’t wait to start seeing so many club members again and would like to place on record the enormous time and effort the BCC Committee have put in, to ensure this is safe and ready for club members to enjoy!

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