Robert ‘Bob Mitch’ Mitchlemore

Stalwart member of the Banbury Cricket Club Committee, Robert Mitchlemore passed away this weekend at the Churchill hospice in Oxford.

‘Bob Mitch’ was a keen local sportsman, most notably a former captain of Banbury Rugby club, where he was also a past President and long-time member of the committee. He was also the keenest supporter of local sport, serving on the Banbury and Sanford Cricket Club committees for a number of years.

The funds he raised for all three clubs, by managing the ‘hundred / five-hundred club(s)’ and organising events must surely run into the tens of thousands. The fact is, if you played rugby or cricket for Banbury you will have benefitted from Bob’s hard work.

Most of us, however, will remember Bob sat by the side of the pitch, his wife Pauline and some other close friends by his side. And of course a glass of wine in hand. He was knowledgeable on the game, but always positive about and supportive of Banbury players.

He will be missed by many. I’m sure he is enjoying a glass of Red Wine with his friend Barrie Nichols, and both are looking down on us smiling.

Our thoughts are with Pauline, Bob’s son Jamie, and grandchildren Ben and Sophie.

We will forward funeral details once we have them.

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