No Sun, but Cricket is still shining!

Banbury Cricket Club has secured funding to
deliver its seventh year of cricket coaching through the Chance
to Shine Campaign

Chance to Shine was launched by The Cricket Foundation in May 2005 and
recognises the power of cricket to help young people acquire important skills,
values and attitudes.

The funding will enable Banbury Cricket Club to deploy fully qualified cricket
coaches, with support from North Oxfordshire School Sport Partnership, into
primary and secondary schools within the catchment area of the club.
The Cricket Club has previously delivered in 19 primary schools, 5 secondary
schools and Frank Wise special school, and this year will work with a further
eight schools; Bishop Loveday, Cropredy, Dr Radcliffe’s, Hanwell Fields,
Hardwick, Hornton, Sibford Gower and Wroxton.

The coaches will work with boys and girls in years 3 to 6, incorporating a
mixture of coaching and intra school competition, and will also work closely
with the teaching staff; leaving sessions plans and offering twilight training
for teachers so that staff have the skills and knowledge to sustain the
sessions beyond the programme.

All schools that have accessed the Chance to Shine programme, both current and
previous, are encourage to enter the ASDA Kwik Cricket Competitions being held
within each family/cluster of schools towards the end of Term 5 (please see
for more details).

The club has also established strong links with the secondary schools,
previously supporting boy’s cricket across the year groups. Although there has
been elements of coaching with Girl’s in the past, this year Girls in years 9
and 10 will be the focus, benefiting from expert coaching delivered by Anish
Desai and Nathan Hawkes.

The culmination of the secondary programme will be a Girls Cricket Festival on
Wednesday 27th June at Banbury Cricket Club, hopefully by then the sun will
also be shining!

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