Nets Bookings – NOW OPEN!

We are delighted to announce that we are now formally accepting bookings for our nets for use from Thursday 28th May onwards! Following recent ECB and Government guidelines, the nets at Ermont Way will be open for use.

Starting from Thursday 28th May, the nets will be open at the following times and will be limited to 6 bookings (in pairs) per session – first come, first served:

  • Tuesday Evenings – 6pm to 8pm
  • Thursday Evenings – 6pm to 8pm
Should there be the demand, we will review this with a view to adding further sessions.

All bookings must be made in advance and at this time we can only accept bookings from club members who have paid their annual subscriptions for 2020 – or in the case of youth members (where this has currently been extended) you need to have paid your 2019 subscription. Any non-members will be required to pay a £5 session fee; please note priority will be given to club members in the first instance. To book, please contact Jack Lambden – 07969284379 or who will confirm your booking.

The facilities at Ermont Way will include 1 clean and sanitised cage on one end of the square, 1 wicket on the square for bowlers or wicketkeepers and 1 lane of the fixed nets. There is also space for throw downs against the M40 fence, as well as an area on the outfield for any individual fielding or fitness drills – social distancing measures MUST be adhered to at all times.

The dressing rooms and pavilion will remain closed throughout, however there will be access to the disabled toilet at all times if required.

A summary of the ECB guidelines are as follows, and any club member booking the nets therefore confirm that they understand and will follow the below guidelines:

  • You can exercise outdoors on your own, with members of your household or with one other person from outside your household while keeping 2 metres apart at all times.
  • Social distancing of at least 2 metres MUST be maintained at all times.
  • You must use and bring your own equipment and avoid sharing these.
  • No saliva or sweat should come into contact with the ball at any time.
  • Wash your hands before and after using the outdoor facilities; bring your own hand sanitiser where possible.
  • If you are symptomatic or living with others displaying symptoms, you should remain at home and follow Government guidance.
The full guidance can be found at

Any members who turn up without a booking will be turned away and we would ask all members to follow the guidance at all times, to avoid us having to re-think this approach.

We can’t wait to start seeing so many club members again and would like to place on record the enormous time and effort the team at Ermont Way and the BCC Committee have put in, to ensure this is live for club members to enjoy!

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