Message from the Youth Chairman

I would like to introduce myself as Banbury Cricket Club Youth Chairman for the forthcoming season having taken over from Peter Scott.  Many of you will know me from having managed our girls� section for the last 3 years, and more recently also being involved in our women�s section particularly the integration into the West Midlands National League.


There was some great youth success in 2013, with the U15 boys becoming County Champions and the U15 girls getting to the last 4 nationally in the Lady Taverners T20 Competition. There is absolutely no reason why this success cannot be matched and even surpassed this season. Winter coaching is already underway, and with the outdoor sessions starting on 25th April there is a lot to look forward to.


One of my aims, over and above actual youth cricket, is to integrate the youth section more fully into the ethos of the club. Banbury Cricket Club is not just about the senior teams, it could not survive without the throughput from the youth section. Out of the current cohort of 1st and 2nd teams, over 75% have come through the ranks. In addition to providing potential players for senior teams I want to encourage as many parents as possible to attend the social functions. Drinks with the President, Chairman�s Steak Night, and Poker Nights for example are not just for players, they are for all members of the club, and through your children, parents are associate members. There are pre-match lunches which are very popular with great food on offer and the opportunity to while away a Saturday or Sunday afternoon supporting the senior teams and hopefully encouraging the young ones that, that is what they want to do when they get older!


Friday nights are youth training night. Please come and support your children, stay and have a drink at the bar, it is Friday night after all! The Willows have appointed a new brewery supplier so look out for special offers on beer and wine. Details will be on the website and via twitter, just follow BanburyCricketClub@RealBanburyCC


To run a successful youth section in any sport requires input from parents in many shapes and forms. Sometimes it�s just by bringing your child to training, other times it�s by helping with coaching, umpiring or collecting match fees. If you feel there is anything you�d like to help with either on an ad-hoc basis or regularly please do contact me, any help will be gratefully received.


We are in the process of finalizing fixture dates, and these will be posted on the website in the next few days.


Don�t forget the first outdoor training session is on Friday, 25th April after which there will be the 2013 Awards Presentation Evening in lieu of the End of Season Presentation Evening that had to be cancelled last year, due to the 1st team playing at The Oval. Full details to follow closer to the time.


I will continue to be in touch throughout pre-season and of course at youth training night on a Friday evening where I can generally be found reasonably close the bar!


Please feel free to contact me on or 07584 562246


Christine Boland

Youth Chairman

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