League clubs docked points

The new Oxford Times Cherwell League season may only be two weeks old, but already seven teams have been docked points due to registration problems.

The most significant of these came in Division 1, where Bourton Vale lost 30 points for failing to re-register skipper Nick Anderson in time for their opening game against Kingston Bagpuize on May 7.

The oversight occurred because Anderson, who played for Vale in 2003, was abroad last year. Kingston, who lost the game, were awarded the 30 points – a gain of 22.

Lower down the league, Sandford St Martin 2nd fielded an unregistered player against Bledlow Ridge 2nd, as did Banbury 4th against Bicester & North Oxford 4th, and Bicester & North Oxford 3rd against Cumnor 3rd.

All offending clubs were docked all points from the game, with their rivals awarded victories.

In addition, the first teams of Sandford St Martin , Wallingford and Bledlow were docked points for other registration irregularities.

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