Last Saturday of the Season a Success on and off the Field – But still more to Look Forward too!

Banbury Cricket Club had a very successful last Saturday of the season. 3 wins, 1 league title and a further promotion were celebrated in fine style over another delicious selection of curries provided by Tony Manley.

Victorious skippers Steve Beck, who led his 2nd XI to promotion to Division 1 of the Cherwell League, and Andy Jones whose 4th XI clinched the Division 8 title, will no doubt report on their games in due course. An early mention for Josh Megson and Mark Pallett whose seam bowling ensured victories for their respective sides, young quicks are a rare commodity and Banbury have a host, including these two, that we can be proud and excited about.  For their part the 3rd XI were involved in an excellent game of cricket also and were one wicket short of clinching a ‘clean sweep’ of wins for the club.

The 1st XI clinched their 4th victory of the season, some 12 weeks after win number 3 against a Flakland side who were already down (in more ways than one). Lloyd Sabin led the batting effort with a silky 87 while Craig Haupt and Lance Shaw chipped in with aggressive 40’s. It was Shaw’s final league game for the club and we all wish him a safe trip back to Auckland, I am sure he is eagerly anticipating the embrace from his wife Laura that awaits him. Spinners Luke Ryan and Jimmy Phillips picked up 4 wickets each, in the face of a Falkland batting order that lacked stomach for the fight and an 11th member, to wrap up victory 15 minutes after tea.

With both 2nd and 4th XI’s already back in the pavilion after making short work of their final hurdles on the path to promotion, the celebrations began. The club wishes to thank Tony Manley for his efforts – the array of varied and delicious dishes he produces for these evenings truly is a wonder, the only thing which comes close to matching it is the military precision it was served with by the team of ladies in charge!!

There is more to look forward to at Banbury CC however – the U17’s are in the County Final and full details will be posted later. Good luck boys.

The End of Season Dinner is the official close of the season and will take place on Friday the 16th of September. Tickets are £30, contact Martin Phillips. A good chance to come and raise a glass one more time to our successful 2nd and 4th XIs.

A reminder also that we have the Black Tie Dinner Dance featuring ‘the Blue Meanies’ on the 2nd of October. Tables or Double ticket available from Martin Phillips 07785390228

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