Girls Win 1st game

Tonight our girls played Shipton-under-Wychwood at home in our final league game of the year and, despite being without 4 of our 1st choice players, we won by 45 runs (our 1st ever League victory).

Batting first we scored 278 runs (starting at 200) off our 16 overs for 7 wickets (at 5 runs apiece) so had a net score of 243. Alicia Richardson top scored with 14 & Charlotte Levett got 11.

Our bowling & fielding was a vast improvement on previous games giving away only 19 in extras (compared to 60+ in another game) in their total of 53 runs for 11 wickets = net score of 198. The top bowlers were Georgina Menage with 2 for only 1 run off 3 overs, Jessica Hummer with 4 for 9 off 3, Harriet Boland with 2 for 2 off 2 & Alicia Richardson with 2 for 4 off 2.

Thanks to Mark Boland (scorer), Joe Hummer (umpire) & to Shipton for their high spirited efforts even when they were losing wickets – is there something in the water in Shipton?

May I take this opportunity to thank Roger Graham for his help with the coaching & at the matches/tournaments this year, to all the parents for their support & to the girls for their galliant efforts, for sticking together and encouraging one another all of the time. There is some real talent amongst you.

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