Girls Under 12’s Crowned County Champions

Banbury’s Under 12 Girls saved their best performance of the year until last to emphatically beat Oxford Downs in the Play-off final of the County’s 1st ever Girls Under 12’s league at Charlbury tonight.

Put in to bat first (batting in pairs for 4 overs per pair) things started off as well as they could have with Coral Reeves (19 runs) hitting the 1st ball of our innings for 6. Then Chloe Hill (16) waited until the last 4 balls of her pair’s 4 overs before scoring 4 boundaries in succession. Skipper Harriet "H" Boland (23) was our top scorer. Other highlights included Issy Forrest & Lauren Caiger hitting their 1st ever boundaries in a league match. We finished on 315 for for 4 (starting at 200) off our 20 overs.

Equally Downs reply got off to a flier from a Banbury perspective too with a wicket falling off the 1st ball of their innings. They finished on 183 for 11 off their 20 overs. Noteworthy points are that none of our bowlers were hit for double figures, very few needless runs were given away & we only bowled 7 wides or no balls. The wicket takers were Chloe Hill (1), Coral Reeves (2), Issy Forrest (1), Siobhan Cummings (1), Lauren Caiger (1), Pia Davies (3) & Amy Freeman (2). Also Kate Davies only gave away 2 runs in her 3 overs and Charlotte Boland 4 (both wides) in her one over. Catches were Amy Freeman (2), Pia Davies (1) & Coral Reeves (2) including a superb one-handed catch low down. All round the fielding was top draw. The last 3 balls of their innings were bowled whilst the heavens opened and a thunderstorm threatened to end proceedings early (a familiar occurence in games between the 2 sides this year!!!).

All in all it was a thoroughly deserved victory for all the hard work they and the other girls have put in throughout the season. I know it’s always said but I can honestly say that everyone contributed in tonight’s victory either with bat, ball or through their fielding.

Thanks also to the parents, and Linda & Laura for the support tonight & throughout the season, to Brian, Dave & Christine for their help at coaching, and finally to the older girls who, although not able to play in this league, for their ongoing commitment to training & support of the younger girls.

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