Fourth XI Promoted after all…

Banbury fourth XI who narrowly missed promotion on Saturday after losing by one wicket, have in fact been promoted despite finishing in third spot.

Kimble 2nds in division 6 who have struggled to raise sides all season have asked the league to relegate them to Division 9. This has made way for an extra promotion place which will see Banbury 4ths play Division 8 Cricket next season.

The Cherwell league have also muted that divsion 9 maybe be split into two leagues; division 9 and 10 respectively with arrival of new teams to the league, In effect the 4ths moving up two divsions.

As a club this tops off Banbury’s most successful season in the Cherwell League, with Second Xi winning division 2 and the Thirds promoted as runners up in division 6 as well.

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