First Defeat for the U15s

Match report by Matt Miller

Banbury U15s lost their last league game of the season on Tuesday night, after being bowled out for 27 by Cropredy.

Against an excellent bowling attack, Banbury’s top and middle order fell mostly to good bowling, but shot selection was also an issue in some cases. At 21 for 6, as Milo T pointed out, we were “in a bit of a pickle…”. Sadly, things did not improve as the lower order also struggled, having had few chances to bat in any of the previous league matches.

Credit to Cropredy, of course, who are a very good side. They also bowled very straight – 8 of the wickets were bowled or LBW. In particular, Fergus Lynch (4-0-9-5) was exceptional.

To their credit, the Banbury boys took the field determined to pick up a wicket or two, and Shiva S dismissed one of the Cropredy openers (with a cracking googly). On an evening where – let’s face it – not very much went right for them, it was good to see the whole team enjoying that moment!

But it was understandably a very quiet dressing room at the end of the game, the level of disappointment reflecting the high standards the group set themselves. In time they will also recognise the great progress they have made this season, both individually and as a group.

That would not have happened without:

Joe M, a quietly resolute captain (who is loud when needed!) who kept driving the team to give their best and raise their standards.

Cat M, for her tireless help on the admin side (and dealing with regular tantrums from the coaches!).

Mark W, Dave F and Rich T who umpired, scored, operated scoreboards, gave lifts etc., always willingly and always with a smile on their face.

Milo T, who broke his finger at training, after the first league game, but then came to support the team at every other game. There is only one Milo.

And last, but not least, to all of the other parents and family members who have driven the boys to and from training and games, and supported them throughout.

Every team in every club relies on people who give up their time for nothing in return. So thank you all again.

Craig and I have thoroughly enjoyed coaching this year’s U15 group – they are a great bunch of lads and have been a pleasure to work with. We look forward to working with some of them again next season, and to seeing the rest of the group build on the progress they have made so far this year.

We hope they have enjoyed playing this season as much as we have enjoyed coaching them.

There is one final U15 game left this season, when the Lads will play the Dads. Date and arrangements to be confirmed asap, so please watch this space!

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