Charlbury Prove Too Much for the 3rd XI

Match report by Neil Megson

The thirds got astoundingly lucky yesterday,we lost against Charlbury by 70 runs but managed 8 bonus points, but Cumnor 2nds floor wiping Abingdon 2nds and Abingdon only getting two bonus points was a result and a half for us.. On to next week’s game at home against Shipton 2nds, it’s a game we have to win to have any chance of staying in this division, for this to happen our batting line up just has to turn up,something which we haven’t done in the 2nd half of the season.
On to yesterday, another toss won by me and we had a bowl,a decent spell by Edinburgh’s finest Mikey Brown and an early wicket for him and Sophie Mitchelmore had us well placed.. But Charlbury dug in and at the half way point were 90-2 and set for a big score,we bowled 23 wides and 6 no balls resulting in free hits, only ourselves to blame there.. But a brilliant 2nd half of their innings as we shot them out in 42 overs for 187,4 excellent catches and a first ever 5 wicket haul for new club ‘Folk Hero’ James Crosby, a brilliant effort by the fella, 2 poles also for veteran Craig Haupt and Seb Finch finishing things off nicely.. All told a top effort in the field.
This was a very getable score but once again we got into trouble and at 20-5 it’s looking bleak. U14s James Bristow and Tom Finley both batting time (14 and 15) and Mikey Brown with an attractive 21 helped the cause but when I walked in all we could really do at 60-7 was to try and eek out a batting bonus point which we did… We were finally bowled out for a really dissapointing 109…Charlburys Matt Jenkinson who picked up 5 wickets to follow his 47no in an excellent shift by him..
I very rarely get angry with a performance but words were exchanged afterwards, I didn’t plug in the hairdryer more a tooth brush… But we know what we need to do next week,Shipton haven’t won a game yet and truthfully if we can’t beat them we don’t remotely deserve to be in this division next season..

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