BCC 2021 News

Following on from the recent superbly attended Zoom AGM, there’s plenty of news to keep you updated on going into the 2021 season! The initial hope and expectation is that the 2021 season will follow a ‘normal’ schedule, however we will once again remain flexible and adapt to any changes put in front of us.

Election of New Officers:

Hon. Treasurer: We are just finalising the details of our new Treasurer, who we hope will succeed James Risbridger towards the start of the season. Rizzy has done an outstanding job in his time in the role; we thank him enormously for his support as he now moves into a General Committee position!

Registration Secretary: We are pleased to announce Paul Robinson as our new Registrations Secretary for 2021, stepping up from a General Committee role in 2020. Paul takes over from club stalwart and legend Andrew Proctor; his invaluable contribution will be enormously missed.

All other officers were elected to the club, same as last year.

2021 Captains:

1st XI Captain: Lloyd Sabin     
VC: Ollie Wright

Ladies 1st XI Captain: Lucy Hunter   
VC: Charlotte Boland

2nd XI Captain: Justin Lambden       

3rd XI Captain: Neil Megson         

4th XI Captain: Joe Wetherill       

Sunday Captain: Alex Badger       
Midweek Captain: Jack Lambden


The subscriptions and membership fees were proposed at the AGM and are as follows:

Full Playing Membership: £120

U18, Students and Unemployed: £75

Youth (U11s upwards): £75£65 (U9s), £45 (multi-skills) – plus sibling discount

VP: £45  Associate: £35

This represents no change from 2020.

Reminder that you can gain a £10 discount on subscriptions by being a member of the 100 club; contact Eddie Phillips for a form!

Match fees also remain at £12 for adults and £6 for U18, Students & Unemployed

We will once again be offering the Player Sponsorship package for £300 (inc.VAT) for any players / companies interested – this should be in place in advance, much like annual subscriptions!

If you need some new kit for the coming season, head to the Banbury CC Serious Cricket Store at: Banbury CC’s Team Store | Serious Cricket

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