Banbury CC Lands in Sierra Leone!

Banbury Cricket Club continues to make its mark across the globe, this time in Sierra Leone with all credit to the incredible Alan Wolstencroft! 

Alan is a trustee of Goodwill and Growth for Africa, as well as being a Banbury Rotarian member. Alan started this humbling work in 2005 as part of a project to build a Rotary Hostel of Hope at the Aberdeen West Africa Fistula Clinic and has continued this outstanding work ever since! To date, he has raised well in excess of £100,000 to help maintain and build numerous schools and provide equipment for these children!

To recognise the impact that Alan had made, in 2018 he was honoured with the prestigious Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland’s Champions of Change award – one of just 12 others!

As part of the fantastic donations he makes, this includes sporting kit and clothing, and Banbury CC headed by Chairman Martin Phillips were honoured to be able to donate some kit to those in need in Sierra Leone – the heartwarming picture can be found below, or head to our Twitter page @RealBanburyCC 

Thank you Alan for allowing us to be a small part of your humbling work!

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