News for 2020

Following on from the recent AGM, there’s plenty of news to keep you updated on going into the 2020 season!

Election of New Officers:

President: We are delighted to announce that Anna Tait will be assuming the role, becoming the club’s first Female President. Anna takes over from Paul Hill who has served the role superbly over the past 2 seasons!

Hon. Treasurer: We are just finalising the details of our new Treasurer, who succeeds James Risbridger who has done an outstanding job in his time in the role; we thank him enormously for his support!

General Committee Members: We are pleased to welcome Paul Robinson and Jeremy Finch on to the committee for 2020, who both join with great expertise and enthusiasm.

All other officers were elected to the club, same as last year.

2020 Captains:

1st XI Captain: Lloyd Sabin     
VC: Ollie Wright

Ladies 1st XI Captain: Chloe Hill     

2nd XI Captain: Justin Lambden       
VC: Eddie Phillips

3rd XI Captain: Neil Megson         

4th XI Captain: Joe Wetherill       

Sunday Captain: Alex Badger       
Midweek Captain: Jack Lambden


The subscriptions and membership fees were proposed at the AGM and are as follows:

Full Playing Membership: £120

U18, Students and Unemployed: £75

Youth (U11s upwards): £75£65 (U9s), £45(muliti-skills) – plus sibling discount

VP: £45  Associate: £35

Reminder that you can gain a £10 discount on subscriptions by being a member of the 100 club; contact Proccy for a form!

Match fees also remain to £12 for adults and £6 for U18, Students & Unemployed

We will once again be offering the Player Sponsorship package for £300 (inc.VAT) for any players / companies interested!

Other News:

We are pleased to be providing Marshals for the Wolf Run this year, each volunteer raises the club £40, food and drink is provided; the next event is 4-5 April. If you are interested, please contact Proccy or Eddie Phillips.

Reminder that Indoor Training continues every Sunday 5-7pm at Bloxham Dewey Centre up until around Easter. Look forward to continuing the hard work, ahead of another successful season!

If you need some new kit for the coming season, head to the Banbury CC Serious Cricket Store at:

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