Pre-season Dinner, Social Events for your diary and other ways to get involved

Over 30 men at the first senior training session and over twenty back to
the club for a drink – really fantastic, well done all! Riding this wave of
enthusiasm I thought I would keep you all informed of plans for social events
and other ways you can get involved.

Pre-season dinner: with MATTHEW HOGGARD

Tuesday 15th April

We are very pleased to announce that Matthew Hoggard will be
our guest speaker at the preseason dinner this April. As ever the pre-season
dinner is our flagship event for our sponsor’s and local business who support
the club. As such we do have to charge a slightly higher price to pay for a
speaker. Tickets are £37.50 for a three/four course meal and the speaker.

If you would like a ticket please let me, Martin P or John W know.
Similarly if you know any local business who might want tickets or a table then
please pass the details on to us.

More Social events:

Early Bird Suppers:

£8.50 for two courses, once every month.

Feb date: Thursday 27th Feb

Feb menu: Coc au Vin & Bread and butter pudding – £8.50

Each event raises money for a charitable cause – March’s event
is in aid of the BCC youth section so please support if you can (date to

Contact Martin P to book a place

March Lucky 7s:

7th March

More post training fun at BCC – £7 for food and poker entry.

Contact Jimmy to book

Barrie Nichols Memorial Trophy – skittles:

11th April

Remember BCC’s favourite ever Welshman by thrashing the
Rugby club at skittles. At Sanford St Martin CC.

Contact Martin P to book a place

Other ways to get involved:

Pay your playing subscriptions!

Our subs are an absolute bargain, half the price of some of
our premier league rivals at £60 (full playing) or £50 (Students, U18s and the
unemployed) – playing subs will be due in April. Pay them early online or via
cheque. Contact John W or Martin P for online details or give you cheque to any
club officer or captain.

Join the 100 club – win ££ and help BCC, only £5 per month –
form attached

Get your Dad, mum, friends etc to join the club as VP (£30)
or associate member (£25). Say “Jimmy says you
should be a VP” and ask them to email me.

Help at Friday night youth training in the summer –contact
Christine Boland


Will continue on Friday’s 7.30 – 9.30pm.

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