End of Season Party – Saturday

Help celebrate a successful season for the club after the last league games of the season this Saturday (8th Sept).

Owen and Jackie Kiffin return to the kitchen to prepare another Curry: serving times 7pm-9pm

This will be followed by music from ‘The Hell Cats’ a rock and roll covers band playing music from the 60’s 70’ & 80’s – final set to finish at 12.30.

This party is a must for:

Those who wish to celebrate; our 4th consecutive Oxfordshire Cup win, The 2nd team’s (probable) 2nd place finish or the 4th XI’s championship season.

People who like dancing – I’m looking at you Proccy

Those who want to say goodbye (for the year) to Benji and Amy

People who like Curry

Those who wish to warm up for this year’s tour to Berlin

People who like seeing Meggers get drunk.

Anyone who wants to support the club!

It’s your last chance to have a beer with your old mates before the long boring winter – so no excuses!


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