4s come off best in rain affected draw

It was a big week for the 4th team as they traveled to bottom side Brackley. A chance to put some more distance between Banbury and Brackley and maybe open a gap from Horsepath just below. 25 points might well have been in the back of Barry Grants mind.

Lossing the toss Banbury were asked to bat, and interesting deciesion considering the forecast and the inherent pressure it brings on the side batting second. The pitch however look bowler friendly at the very least, and Brackleys deciesion looking like a good one as Banbury were 0-1 after just one ball (don’t worry mitch i wont say it was you). The bowling was not fantastic but the wicket played it part as slow, incosistant bounce and movement made contructing a innings very difficult. Ali Jarvis battled very hard at number 3 either side of the first break and ended with a very decent 37. the rain had reduced the overs to 41-35. this had helped Brackley as the ‘covers’ had not fully stopped the rain affecting the pitch and Jarvis supporting batsmen came and went as Banbury found themsleves at 75-5. Skipper Grant (37) then took charge of the innings and with the support of vice Phillips (19) put on 50 odd for the 6 wicket. Banbury reached 143 at then end of their 41 overs, a good total in the conditions.

Banbury looked to put pressure on from the start with Mitchlemore and Phillips under the lids at silly point and short leg. it started going Banbury’s way early on as Adil Hussain continued his fine form from last week and put Brackley to the sword. His control on a helpful pitch proved too much for the top order batsmen as Brackley were 35-4 after 13 (the second rain break) Adil had all 4 for 12. the rain had reduced Brakleys over to 27, leaving them with 109 to win from14 overs. A task to tall it seemed as after losing 3 more quick wickets, including 2 in 2 balls from seamer Iffy Mahmood, Brackley seemed to shut up shop. Banbury still worked away and dispite some inspirational field placement at times banbury could only pick up 1 more additional wicket as Brackley ended on 80-8 from 27.

Adil the Pick of the bowlers picking up 6, a good follow up to last weekend 5.

Banbury 16 Brackley 3

Banbury now sit 12 points above Horsepath and 38 above Brackley with 2 to play.

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