2nd Team hammered on disastrous day.

Banbury 2nd team suffered their second heavy defeat of the season on a Saturday not to be remembered. The day started badly when driving down the motorway Sam Cheshire phones in with a flat tyre, shortly followed by Ed Phillips and Ross Freeman getting stuck on the M40 due to a fatality.

After discussions with the umpires and the generous Tiddington Captain, the game was put back by 30 minutes to allow the players to get to the game.

Tiddington won the toss, and with Banbury only having 8 players there elected to field. Sabin(17) and Phillips(15) who arrived 10 minutes before the start of play opened and put on 26 before Sabin fell. This sparked a mini collapse as Beck and Wright were both soon removed. Sam Cheshire arrives at 2.15 and was batting at 2.18. He was the only one who made a tricky wicket look easy when scoring 50 off 43 balls including 5 4’s and 4 6’s.

Josh Megson(12) was the only other person to get into double figures as Banbury crashed to 114 all out in 39 overs.

Tiddington never looked in any danger and thanks to an impressive 71 from former Banbury player Will Cooper they eased home after 25 overs 1 down.

Banbury 2 Tiddington 25

 Tiddington v Banbury 2


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