2018 Membership Now Due!

The new season is only a month away, which means membership is due by the first match – Saturday 14th April.

Full playing membership this year is £100 for the season and U18, Students and Unemployed membership is £65, unless you are a 100 club member then you receive a £10 discount.

If you wish to become a 100 club member please email proccy@hotmail.com and he can send you the forms to join.

The preferred method to pay is through bank transfer, please use your name as the reference.

Lloyds Bank



Alternatively, please get a cheque or cash to James Risbridger or your captains. In all cases can you text or email Riz to confirm you have paid.

‘No pay, no play’ – stritcly enforced this year

We will be enforcing no pay, no play again this year which means no one will play a game unless membership is paid; this includes friendly matches which begin on the 14th April.

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